Flugel Meister

flugelmeister profileI’ve been writing since I was six and have finally taken measures to get myself out there by writing my first novel. It’s a Science-Fiction novel and full of awesome. Well, it will be when I’ve finished editing it. (EDIT: It’s now finished I’m on the second draft).

I love gaming, always have. My first memories of a gaming console go all the way back to when I was six and playing on my brother’s Grandstand. I then had a Spectrum 48K, followed by the 128K before moving onto a dedicated gaming console, the SNES.

A few years later I bought the first Playstation but switched sides when the original Xbox was released. I now have a 360S, a Wii, a PC, a Nintendo DS, a MacBook Pro and a pocket calculator. ‘I just threw that in there for good measure.’

I’ve been reviewing games and writing articles for websites for two years now. I first started on an American website called BNG (Brave New Gamer), now extinct. I then moved on and joined the ranks of Robot Geek, a British gaming site run by Dan O’Connor where I wrote an opinionated feature called the ‘Weekly Whinge.’

RG has now disappeared but had grown considerably since I was there. I departed Dan and Co. due to a lot of stuff that I won’t bore you with and then pursued an independent route once everything was hunky dory. I now write reviews for Soldier magazine — the official magazine for the British Army. After that I started writing a dedicated gaming column for Sixth Sense, a weekly published paper aimed at the British Forces Community based in Germany.

If you want me to write anything for you, just drop me a few words on the matter via the Contact Tab at the top of the page.

Here’s my coverage of GamesCom 2013

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